Saturday, January 8, 2011


Q. What is the name of the doctrine propounded by The Buddha?
A. The name of the doctrine is The Wheel of Law (Dhammacakka/Dharmachakra) ; the Four Noble Truths set rolling by the Buddha at the deer garden of Ancient Ishipatana/Hrishipatana(abode of the sages) at modern Sarnath near Varanasi.
Q. What are the Four Noble Truths?
A. Sorrow, Cause of Sorrow, Extinction of Sorrow, and the Path leading to the cessation of sorrow.
Q. What is the name of the path leading to the extinction of sorrow?
A. The Magga-The Threefold Division of the Eightfold path leading to the extinction of sorrow.
Q. What is Eightfold Path in Threefold Division?
III. Wisdom(panna)
1.Right View 2. Right Thought
3. Right Speech 4. Right Bodily Action 5.Right Livelihood
II. Concentration
6. Right Effort 7. Right Mindfulness 8. Right Concentration
32 Points of Eightfold Path
1. Right View Right Understanding of Four Noble Truths: 1.Sorrow2.Cause of Sorrow 3.Extinction of Sorrow 4. The Path leading to the cessation of sorrow. 4
2. Right Thought 1.Thoughts free from sensual desire 2.Thoughts free from ill –will
3. Thoughts free from cruelty. 3
3. Right Speech Abstaining from: 1. Lying 2. Tale-bearing 3. Harsh Language 4. Foolish Babble. 4.
4. Right Bodily Action Abstaining from: 1. Killing 2. Stealing 3. Unlawful sexual intercourse & 4.Cultivating Compassion 4.
5. Right Livelihood Abstaining from dealing: 1.Arms 2.Human beings 3.Animal slaughter 4. Intoxicant Drinks 5. Poison 5.
6. Right Effort 1. Preventing arising of the Evil Thoughts 2. Abandoning the Evil Thoughts 3. Developing Wholesome Thoughts 4. Maintaining Wholesome Thoughts 4.
7. Right Mindfulness Mindfulness of : 1.Body 2. Feelings 3. Mind 4. Mind objects. 4.
8. Right Concentration Concentration of : 1. Aloof from Unwholesome Thoughts 2.Inner Tranquility by Sustained Thought 3. Equanimity 4. Equanimity-Mindfulness. 4.

The Wheel can be of four, eight, twelve, twenty-four or thirty two spokes. A wheel of four spokes symbolizes the Four Noble Truths; a wheel of eight spokes symbolizes Eightfold path. The Eightfold Path also includes The Four Noble Truths and can be symbolized by a wheel of four spokes. A wheel of twenty four spokes may symbolize Paccaya: Condition; which includes Magga(Path). A wheel of thirty-two spokes symbolizes 32 aspects of the Eightfold Path and is of supreme importance. This is the exactly the reason why the Asokan Lion Capital has a crowning wheel of thirty-two spokes. Prof. Radha Kumud Mookerjee, P.V.Kane and other eminent intellectuals of India appealed to Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India to adopt the wheel of thirty-two spokes in the centre of the National Flag of India. But the Constituent Assembly had already adopted the wheel of twenty-four spokes from the Lion Capital of Asoka. Nehru replied that Dharmachakra- the Wheel of Law could be of any number of spokes; still the message would remain the same. During excavation, the crowning wheel was found severed from the Lion Capital and broken in to three pieces. This wheel has been preserved in Sarnath Museum. The logo of the Supreme Court of India has a crowning wheel of 32 spokes.
1.Nyanatiloka: Buddhist Dictionary, The Corporate Body of Buddha Educational Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan.
2. Thera Piyadassi: The Buddha’s Ancient Path, Rider &Company, London, 1964.
3. Correspondence between Prof. Radhakumud Mukerjee and Jawaharlal Nehru, the Prime Minister of India, August 27, 1957 & August 28, 1957.
*U.N.Biswas is A Cultural Anthropologist, (Awarded The Asiatic Society Gold Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Cultural Anthropology); Convener of Dharmachakra- An Effort to spread the Message of Dharmachakra in the National Flag Of India & Director Research , Bhavana, the HRD Centre of NCMB Memorial Trust, Calcutta.
January 8, 2011
CG 22 Sector II, Salt Lake City, Calcutta -700091.

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